All Systems operational.



2017-04-26 15:15:09 UTC resolved Services
Flowgear Web Node Issues

Their team seems to have updated the web request node (integral to many of our automations) and it's currently in a buggy state. I've reported the issue to Stefan, with multiple examples.

The Kiva system and a few Bullhorn automations are currently affected.

Update 2017-04-27 13:58:24 UTC

Stefan has updated the node and bug now seems to be fixed.

2017-04-06 19:20:30 UTC resolved IMGDashboard
Intranet Issues

The intranet at is currently down. We're investigating.

2017-01-30 20:51:42 UTC resolved Services
Bullhorn service issues

CLS7, our cluster is having issues. You may not be able to login. Keep track of the status here:

Update 2017-02-06 14:40:51 UTC

This has been resolved by Bullhorn.

2016-12-21 16:21:31 UTC resolved Services
Zendesk Service Issues

The API is having some issues responding to requests, leading to frequent timeouts. Some tickets might not have been made, and will be delayed.

Update 2017-01-30 20:52:27 UTC

Still working with Flowgear and Zendesk to resolve this issue. Every so often, tasks are timing-out. They are being pushed manually however, so nothing to worry.

Update 2017-04-06 19:19:44 UTC

Zendesk has resolved their issues